India In Chaos

Look Inside The Book

– And then one has to encounter mind-boggling and unmanageable traffic and mammoth crowds on roads and streets. One is stumped at times to answer the call of nature, or tackling emergencies. One may be baffled to imagine the future scenario!


  • There are also huge cases of scams and swindling of national wealth: the 2G Spectrum scam (`1.76 lac crore), the Commonwealth Games (CWG) scam (`0.7 lac crore), the LIC Housing Loan scam, the stamp-paper scam, the Adarsh Housing Society scam, the Tatra Truck scam, and the Coalgate scam (`1.86 lac crore), to name a few. For more glaring scams see Section 7.1 (7)p. 278
  • Latest in the series that came to light in 2015 is Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB or Vyapam) scam (Section 8.5.1 (p. 358)).
  • The problem of scams in India is a chronic disease that has eaten into the means of the impoverished and pushed the nation to tatters and rags. While the old ones are not settled, new ones keep surfacing on a regular basis.
  • A regressive economy and mounting cases of scams sent the government into jeopardy by 2012. A state of limbo overtook the government and impeded decision-making, and industries suffered for want of government decisions and clearances. News through the media corroborated this (clipping 72). Part of the valuable time of the Parliament evaporated in allegations and counter-allegations dealing with these issues.

The list above is just a vivid and brief narration of how our basic infrastructure is tottering, crumbling and eroding our resources, and scams eating into our economy. The overall

Indian scenario is pathetic and depressing. Under-performance and huge losses of our infrastructural set-ups are causing an enormous national loss. Year-in and year-out extravagances on reliefs and subsidies are not alleviating the plight of the poor. Rather, it is causing an immense dent in our economy and casting doubts on the prudence of such extravagances that go beyond our enduring means. Under these constraints foundation laying by the PM Mr Modi of Shivaji Memorial in Arabian Sea, Mumbai on 24/12/2016 at a mammoth extravaganza of Rs 3,600 crore was quite uncalled for, when the state is reeling under very heavy debts of Rs 3.94 lac crore by 2017 (Table 2.3II, p. 41) and its farmers are committing suicides. Also see (clipping 29D).

All of the above are resulting in huge financial deficits and debts. The consequent inflation and spiralling prices are unnerving the common man. Our internal and external debts are galloping past safe limits and the nation by 2017 has reached under frightening debts (Section 2.3 and Tables 2.3I & II (p. 40- 43)). They also stand highest amongst the emerging economies in the world (clipping 39).

The rising level of poverty and anarchy, consistent shortage of water and electricity, creaking infrastructure, dangerously depleting environment, dwindling value of rupee and uncontrollable rising debts, galloping inflation, and rising cases of scams present a nightmarish state of affairs of our nation that torment and terrify the people of India.

Truly, “wherever we look, India is in crisis”,
(India Today, 19 July, 2010, clipping 54B).

Under these frightening conditions and minuscule hope on any front, it may be inappropriate to claim that our democracy has survived the test of time. Our grossly impoverished populace has somehow endured the untold miseries and sorrows of