‘Tarry a while O death I cannot die’
Were His words till the last!
A fighter, a dreamer and a believer

Papa I will miss you.
More than my words can say, more than my heart can feel, I cannot express how much you mean to me.
A guiding source not only for me but for everyone you meet.
Your words of encouragement and praise is all one needs.
You lived and worked for a mission “Shaping India of our dreams”.
Your books, your ideas, your plans, are a legacy.
I promise I will take it forward to the best of my abilities.
Problems of the world- Climate Change, Global Warming, Economic Recession were also your own.
Your dynamism, thinking and vision were beyond the ordinary.
You mark my words- Your name will go in History.
No one can fathom the depth of your soul.
The noblest of being, you lived only for others well-being.

You lived life King-size, on your own terms, with the same magnanimity, vigour and charm till the end, making others smile, with your lively personality.
I am happy that you are with mummy now, both of you watching over me.
Now, don’t worry. I will take care of your mission and responsibilities.
Just rest now, be at peace.
I Love You Papa till the eternity.

Now, don’t worry. I will take care of your mission and responsibilities.
Just rest now, be at peace.
I Love You Papa till the eternity.
Anjuna, Daughter

I was sad as well as happy. I will always remember all of the things we did together. We had great and wonderful days. Like always my grandfather never let me feel sad. When I was with him I never felt lonely. All of the sad things turned into happy things for me. I will never forget the days with my grandfather. The hugs, kisses and the happiness I had with him these days.
Aadyaa Singh, Grand-daughter

Humble Tribute for unique contribution to the legal system of India

Shri K.C. Agrawal’s untimely and sad demise is a colossal loss for everyone who knew him. He has left a vacuum in our lives and a void that would be hard to fill. His vision of welfare and well-being of all struck a chord with many. Few people have adorned the earth with a selfless spirit to help the mankind and the nation. His spirit was of that stature. His deeds and his reputation as a man of action preceded him. His energy enthused fresh energy in every interaction.
One of his most memorable sayings, “I have prepared all the blueprints to make India one of the most prosperous and powerful nations in the world in just 20 to 25 years,” has left an indelible imprint on the society. We may not see his like again but his courage, vision and dreams still live on in many of us who shall make every possible endeavour to take them forward and to fruition.
I pray to the Lord Almighty that his soul may rest in peace and that his loved ones be bestowed with strength in this hour of difficulty. I am sure they will do their best to take his legacy forward and that they will serve the society with the same selfless spirit that Shri Agrawal had imbibed. My deepest condolences.
Dr Adish C Aggarwala
President, International Council of Jurists
Chairman, All India Bar Association

Very sad to hear that. He had associated me in his project by asking me to write a Foreword for his monumental work, which I did with pleasure. I wish peace to his soul and send my condolences to his near and dear ones.

Glad that you are taking your father's legacy forward. I wish you all success in that task. Best wishes Anjuna in the realisation of your father's mission.
Professor Dr. Mahendra Pal Singh
Chancellor, Central University of Haryana

भाई कोमलचन्द्रजी के निधन की दु:खद सूचना मिली। उनके साथ मेरा एक दीर्घकालीन स्नेहिल संबन्ध था। आत्मीयों के निधन की क्षति पूर्ति तो नहीं होती, स्वजनों को धैर्य धारण ही करना होता है। दिवंगत आत्मा के प्रति श्रद्धांजलि तथा सद्गति हेतु प्रभु से प्रार्थना ईशावास्योपनिषद् के निम्नोक्त मंत्र द्वारा अर्पित करता हूँ --- ॐ अग्ने नय सुपथा राये अस्मान् विश्वानि देव वयुनानिविद्वान्। युयोध्यस्मज्जुहुराणमेनो, भूयिष्ठा ते नम उक्तिं विधेम॥ (ऋग्वेद् - १.१८९.१) इसका भावार्थ यह है --- ' हे चैत्याग्नि देव ! सुपथ से ले चलें हमें -- आनन्द/ऐश्वर्य लाभ के लिये, लौकिक/ पारलौकिक लाभ के लिये, बाह्य – आन्तरिक लाभ के लिये; देव! हमारे सभी कर्म, विचार, अन्तर्बहिर् विचारों को जानते हुए, विनाश करें हमारे कुटिल पापों को। बारम्बार प्रणति वचन हम अर्पित करते हैं--- मंगल कामनाओं सहित, ओम प्रकाश भरतिया
He will be missed by all, who came in contact with him. Being a visionary, truly imbibed with the Indian culture, his writings, both technical and national issues are very valuable.
Omprakash Bhartia,
CMD, Bhartiya Cutler Hammer

यह संसार प्रकृति के नियमों के अधीन हैं और परिवर्तन एक नियम है शरीर तो मात्र एक साधन है दुःख कितना भी बड़ा क्यों ना हो धैर्य और संतुलन रखिये समय आपको हारने नहीं देगा .. अच्छे लोगों को भगवान् सचमुच अपने पास ही रखना चाहते हैं ईश्वर दिवंगत आत्मा को शांति और आपको धैर्य प्रदान करें हमारी संवेदनाएं एवं हम इस दुःख की घडी में हम सब आपके साथ हैं.. डॉ. वैभव गोयल भारतीय प्रोफेसर एवं डीन लॉ फैकल्टी सुभारती विश्वविद्यालय
Professor & Dean (Dr)Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya
Law Faculty Subharti University

Sad, very sad.
But no past tense for him.
He lives amidst us for years, and for years.
An inspirer; a teacher
-par excellence,
—a class apart.
Share your grief. Take care.
Dr Vinay Chandralekha Bhaskar,
MD, Bhaskar Power Projects

पिछले पाँच दिनों से निःशब्द हूँ! श्री कोमल चंद्र अग्रवाल असाधारण सोच के प्रणेता थेा उनसे तब से परिचय था जब वे अपनी पुस्तक “Shaping India of Our Dreams” के हिन्दी रूपांतरण ‘‘हमारे सपनों के भारत का निर्माण’’ के लिए सम्पर्क में आए और उनकी अंतिम पुस्तअक ‘’अव्य वस्थाक के भंवर में भारत’’ तक उनका सानिन्ननध्य अनवरत मिलता रहा। उनके विचारशील व्यक्तित्व एवं देश के लिए कुछ कर गुज़रने के उनके जज़्बे व जनमानस के वास्तवकि कल्याण की भावना ने मुझे उनका मुरीद बना दिया। उनके द्वारा शुरू किए गए ‘‘क्रूसेड इंडिया’’ मिशन का लक्ष्य ही यही था कि भारत की वंचित, दरिद्र जनता को संविधान में दिए गए दिशनिर्देशों के अनुसार उनके अधिकार मिल सकें और ऐसा न होने देने के उत्तरदायी तथाकथित संरक्षक अभिभावकों को किनारे किया जा सके। सिटी सेंटर्स की उनकी अवधारण को वास्तव में सही नज़रिए से देखा और क्रियांवित किया जाना चाहिए। आज श्री अग्रवाल अपने असामायिक निधन के कारण हमारे बीच नहीं हैं, लेकिन उनके सपने, उनकी विचारधारा पूरी तरह प्रासंगिक है और भविष्य में भी उनके गहन विचार हमारा मार्गदर्शन ही नहीं करेंगे बल्कि जब भी इस महान देश को दुनिया के सबसे शक्तिशाली व समृद्ध देश के रूप में आगे ले जाने की बात आएगी तो उनको हमेशा स्मरण किया जाएगा। ईश्वदर से प्रार्थना है कि इस विचारक एवं महामानव को अपने चरणों में स्थान दें!
Bharat Taneja, Hindi Translator,
India in Chaos

It is so painful and shocking to think about the sudden demise of Shri K.C. Agrawal-ji. I will cherish his warm affection and guidance all the days of my life.
What influenced me more was his philosophy, outlook and approach to life. He had painful concerns about the moral and ethical degradation that the Indian society is subject to and he was sincerely wishing for an improvement from that condition. All these reflect in his writings, especially in India in Chaos. It is in a sense his crusade against corruption and malpractices that are widely in currency in the Indian society. His passion for a vibrant, corruption-free, prosperous India knew no limits, I am sure.

I want here to emphasis on the inspiration that he meted out to me in many a venture and on many occasions. His dedication to the task in hand will remain with us and will immensely inspire us in the days to come. I stand thick and thin in accomplishing his publishing tasks at this moment of turmoil.

All members of D.K. Printworld including my family join me in extending our heart-felt condolences to you and your family, during this time of agony and vacuum caused by dear Agrawal-ji’s departure from the mundane life. May his soul realize the Absolute Brahman due to his good karmas!

In the Unity of Prayer,
Yours Sincerely,
Susheel Mittal

I am very sorry to know about the sad demise of Sh. K C Agarwalji. He was a very decent and polished gentleman -always polite and warm and cordial in his speech and conduct. I knew him through the Lions club but was out of touch from quite a long time as I shifted to Raipur from Delhi in 2014. He had presented a copy of his book “INDIA IN CHAOS, ONLY JUDICIARY CAN SAVE” to me and reading that book had made me realize that he was a true visionary and a true nationalist. I bow my head in reverence to the departed soul. Om Shanti Please let me know if I can be of any help in any manner
Dr Sandeep Gandhi, Registrar,
Kalinga University, Raipur

Dr K.C Agrawal gave me recognition in college by awarding me a 10k prize for my essay. He is one of the reasons why I haven't given up writing. I have not known a person more thorough with his vision... Om Shanti.
I have put up a small write up on my blog remembering your great father…People like him are rare on this planet….
Amit Nigam, Writer

My deepest condolences to the family. KC Agarwal ji inspired us to think and look at society in a different light. I am fortunate to have met him during my law school days. My prayers. Om Shanthi.
Warm regards
, Gokul B,
University of Cambridge

Mr. Agrawal was a gem of a person. His warm spirit and generosity was a joy to all of us. I consider myself lucky to have known him.

I know how difficult this must be for you so I wanted to reach out and let you know that I’m here if you need anything. Do not hesitate to ask. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Pooja Dutt,Sr. Publishing Advisor

Please accept my deepest and heartfelt condolences. Mr Agrawal was a truly fine man, a great patriot, and an excellent author. I had the privilege to be his books’ editor along with his daughter Anjuna and it was always a wonderful and fulfilling experience. Mr Agrawal became a friend over the course of our many conversations, and I shall always treasure the memory of our conversations, particularly the last one just a few days before his sudden passing away. I am sure he is happy and at peace, reunited with his beloved wife, knowing Anjuna will ably take up his mantle and publish his magnum opus. My help and support is always with his family. Thank you, Mr Agrawal. Rest in peace.

Padmini Smetacek, Editor,
India in Chaos

We are shocked to learn of the passing of Shri KC Agrawal ji. His presence had been very reassuring and enlightening for us in the Sujok Healing Centre. He was indeed a great visionary who gave to the country and humanity perhaps more than he might have got in this life. He was an evolved soul who brightened up the lives of anyone he had touched! He will contentedly rest in the lap of the Parmanand! You all in the family were most fortunate to be part of him. May you all have the strength to celebrate his life and vision! Om shanti, shanti, shanti om!
Sharing your grief,
Vivek Sohal

Sorry to hear sad news. I am ArvindMathur presently in Toronto since July. Will be here for some more weeks. I had known him since 1981 when he had a factory in Kirti Nagar. He built a formidable reputation for ECS. I was in a similar business which I exited 2 years ago.

Please accept our sincere condolences and wish you all will be able to overcome the loss. May God give you strength.
Arvind Mathur, MD,
Jasper Engineers