Author's Preface
Having received little support from within or without,
the present work can be considered a work against odds,
accompanied largely by disapprovals and jeers. But what I have
narrated is the grim reality of how India and its large debilitated
and famished masses have been perpetually exploited and
demeaned by our self seeking governing system in absence of
adequate checks and balances by the learned Judiciary over
the erring guardians (Legislature and Executive). This harsh
reality one would be compelled to accept as one would proceed
through the book
My endeavour through this book is to reach out this truth
to the people of the land and our concerned guardians, to
establish a responsible and accountable system of governance
with the help of the learned Judiciary to first accomplish
‘liberty and dignity’ for our perennially famished and
suffering masses and then transform the nation to unbounded
progress and prosperity.
To build a prosperous nation and make our people happy
and proud I have provided necessary roadmaps and guidelines
in Part 3 of the book. Following these plans and adapting the
concept of City Centres presented under Chapter 8.3, we shall
not only provide liberty and dignity to our people naturally
but also place our country amongst the most prosperous
and powerful nations in the world in just 15-20 years for the
present and the future generations.
Through my extensive research as presented, I have prayed
the learned Judiciary, being the custodian of the Constitution
and a third eye over the governing guardians (Legislature and
Executive) for establishing responsible and accountable system
of governances at the Union and the States and extending an
opportunity to the people of India to realize their dreams.
The book is a diagnosis of a chronic patient. The
investigations tell only about the ailing organs that need to
be cured. The healthy organs have little mention! Data as
old as 5-10 years are provided to co-relate performances of
governments in different periods and bring home the fact that
dilapidation has been a perennial feature of India due to poor
For inquisitive readers the book will provide answers to most
socio-economic and socio-legal problems.
K.C. Agrawal